Due North and Across the River


As luck would have it, there was time for my sister and I to visit Colonia, Uruguay before departing for the US. There is a nice ferry from Buenos Aires that lands at historic Colonia. The town was once a Portuguese Jesuit colony, Colonia del Sacramento and now is just a beautiful and sleepy. We strolled through the city easily and saw just about all there is to see in the off season. It was a delightful place and I was very happy to have been able to see it. Please enjoy.

Green vs. Grey


The Reserva Ecológico Costenera Sur is a massive piece of land on the edge of Buenos Aires between Puerto Madero and the Rio de la Plata. It seems odd to think you are still in the same city but that seems to be one of the many wonders of Buenos Aires, how different it look and feel. But to be able to walk along the edge of a marsh and only hear the crunching of stones beneath your feet while sky scrapers loom off not too far in the distance is a very nice break from the city. The air feels salty instead instead of grimy and much more fresh. Here are some images from my walk.

Barrio: Puerto Madero


It’s hard to walk around Buenos Aires without seeing construction. But much of the construction is repairing old buildings or remodeling so to walk around the newest barrio of Puerto Madero and see beautifully designed, sleek modern style is striking. It almost feels like you’ve walked into a different city – but at the same time feels no less of the porteños. Everything seems to blend in as well here where luxury is abundant as it does in San Telmo, one of the oldest areas of Buenos Aires. Parts of the Rio de La Plata come through next to the big brick buildings that remind visiters of the history of Puerto Madero as an trade center gone to waste and now completely revitalized. The beautiful gray day along the Puerto with boats remind me of Copenhagen but so different and unique – it was great. Please enjoy!

This last one here is the recently constructed bridge, Puente de la Mujer, designed by Santiago Calatrava, intended to represent the woman dancing the tango.